Free Fitness Workout Videos For A Better Body In 12 Weeks

Sick of your workout? Really want to get in shape? Frost has teamed up with the 2013 USN Makeover Challenge to bring you five free workout videos. They guarantee a better body in 12 weeks. Enjoy and let us know how you get on.

1. The Perfect Exercises to Firm up your Legs and Bums

The 2013 USN Makeover Challenge presents to you their legs and bums workout video. Taken from the highly proclaimed work out challenge, these exercises will tone your legs and bum in a routine that will take you less than half an hour.

2. Lose those love handles and firm up those Abs – exercises from the USN Makeover Challenge.

Taken from the 2013 USN Makeover challenge, these ab and love handle exercises guarantee results. The USN Makeover Challenge is a weight loss programme that will help you shape up and get fit fast.

3. Be Proud of your Arms with these must-do Exercises from the USN Makeover Challenge.

Taken from the 2013 USN Makeover challenge, these bingo wings and bicep workouts guarantee results. The USN Makeover Challenge is a weight loss programme that will help you shape up and get fit fast.

4. USN Present to you the Full Body Workout from their 2013 Makeover Challenge.

Fitness Challenges don’t come more rewarding than this. These full body exercises combine cardio and strength and are taken from the USN Body Makeover Challenge where the exercises and health benefits guarantee results.

5. The Best Circuit Training for your Body from the USN Makeover Challenge

These full circuit training exercises are taken from the USN Body Makeover Challenge and can be performed anywhere which is perfect for people always on the go. The USN Makeover Challenge is a proclaimed weight loss programme that will help you shape up and get fit fast through a series of exercises and diet plans.

For more information visit

Beat the Winter Blues With Exercise

Just because you’re confined to being indoors because  the roads are too dangerous for running or cycling in the dark, doesn’t mean you should halt your fitness regime.




At ICON, we know that working out over the winter months can be a challenge but it really doesn’t need to be. Here they share their top five, ultimate workout tips, which are sure to get you motivated.


Follow their simple steps to get the best from your workouts and maintain your fitness routines.


Tip 1: Winter Weight gain

The winter often leads to winter weight gain. The cold can make us develop extra excuses when it comes to our motivation to exercise.  Plus, many people suffer from mood changes during the winter months and turn to food for comfort.  The bitter truth is that you will only be wearing a big woolly jumper for a few months and soon you will have to face summer clothes again.  Try to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine during the colder months and getting into shape in the summer will be much easier.


Tip 2: Feeling fit and using an indoor training kit

We suggest investing in functional training equipment that you can use in the comfort of your own home. Then you’ll have no excuse to avoid exercise – you won’t have to go to the gym or step outside into minus temperatures.  Plus, the introduction of an exciting new fitness gadget into your life will actually make you want to exercise. We recommend our ICON Health and Fitness range which includes a wide variety of home fitness equipment that will help you through every workout. We especially love their iFit Live™ programme, which is compatible with models from the ProForm and NordicTrack range.  This state of the art software allows you to run anywhere in the world all from the comfort of your own home, thanks to Google Maps™ technology.


Tip 3: maintain motivation

If you can imagine attaining your fitness goals, you will soon start to feel more positive, motivated and feel-good endorphins will be released.  As you start to see and feel the results then your motivation will be improved.


We suggest setting yourself small realistic goals.  By breaking your goals into smaller, more easily achieved steps, you can work towards your larger long-term goals. Start by walking a mile, then try jogging – build up the distance until you can tackle a marathon!


Tip 4: Train like an athlete.

You may not be an athletic hopeful, but adopting the physical and mental approach of an athlete will give you a positive approach to workouts and achieving your goals.

  • Athletes see direct results from their training and you can too. Try treating training as a task at work i.e. something on your to do list that must be completed by the end of the day.
  • Be smart with your exercise choices and get the most out of every workout. Mix your training up and keep your weekly programme varied.
  • Try short sprints, intervals and distance workouts on different days. When you begin to feel the benefits of all your effort then you will become more energised and motivated to continue. Prevent boredom…plan your week with sets, reps, distance and routes to keep your training interesting, challenging and fun.


Tip 5: Don’t freeze to feel fit!

As the days become shorter and the nights draw in, remember you can adapt your workout routine so you don’t have to freeze to get fit. Try circuit training in the comfort of your own home, or invest in a static bike or treadmill so you can maintain your cycling or running routine.  We are so impressed by the new ProForm Tour De France Bike. Boasting a 20% motorised incline and decline, Real Road™ resistance technology and iFit Live™ Technology, which is powered by Google Maps™. It has to be the ultimate in cycling workout kit.


You can also try booking a ski holiday, and embrace the fact you burn more calories in the cold.  When training outdoors however, make sure you adequately insulate your body and avoid sweat-absorbing material close to the skin and don’t forget a hat!

Top five Detox Friendly Drinks

Top five Detox Friendly Drinks!

It’s the time of year again when we all contemplate ways to “better” ourselves and kick-start our new, healthy regimes with a detox – ridding ourselves of bad food and bad habits. Alcohol is often the first to go, along with caffeine and fizzy drinks, but have you considered what drinks could be beneficial when detoxing? Here Nutrition expert at Go Coco, Ross Currie, gives us his top five detox friendly drinks:

“Detoxing can be a struggle and often quite limiting. Keeping your fluid levels topped up during this time is vital to help your body rid itself of toxins and to stay hydrated – aiding brain function and helping to keep skin healthy. Aside from water, there are other drinks out there which can be a part of your detox. Here are my top five choices”:

1.       Tea – green, peppermint or ginger. Tea is a natural antioxidant, which protects your body from free radicals, pollutants and aging. Green tea can increase your metabolism, while ginger tea is great for digestion and aiding the absorption of food and peppermint tea

2.       Coconut water – Go Coco comes straight from the young, green coconuts of Thailand and is full of natural Isotonic properties and electrolytes, making them a great choice for rehydrating. It is also packed with vitamins and minerals, including twice as much potassium as a banana which is fantastic for a natural energy boost whilst being low calorie and it also plays an important role in regulating your heartbeat, insulin levels and muscle development.

3.       Fresh or raw pineapple juice – Pineapples contain many vitamins and enzymes that will offer health benefits during a detox, including Bromelain – a natural anti-inflammatory that encourages healthy digestion by helping the body break down proteins, and Thiamine (which belongs to the vitamin B group) which boosts your metabolism by helping your body convert carbohydrates into energy

4.       Lemon water – Lemons are a great source of citric acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorous. Drinking fresh lemon juice with water (hot or cold) will benefit your detox on many levels by assisting your digestion, stimulating the liver and cleansing the bloody stream. Try drinking a cup of hot water and lemon first thing, to kick start your system.

5.       Fresh Carrot Juice – As well as containing Vitamin C and A, carrot juice also contains carotenes which are a great anti-oxidant. Carrot juice is also a diuretic and can help to reduce water retention, plus it’s very low in calories.

New Year’s Resolutions – Will you be another statistic?

I am one of those strange people who are actually quite good at sticking to their New Year resolutions, if you are not as strange as me, follow this advice from some great NPL coaches.

The top ten resolutions for 2012 were:

  1. Lose Weight
  2. Get fit
  3. Eat more healthy
  4. Save money/spend less
  5. Get a new job
  6. Spend more time with people who matter
  7. Try out new experiences
  8. Get out of a rut
  9. Visit a new country
  10. Read more

How many of us start the year with the best intentions – learning a language,  climbing a mountain, or just losing a bit of weight – only to get to February and forget all about it. According to the Mental Health Foundation, a massive 80% of us fail to achieve our New Year’s Resolutions.

Sarah, an NLP coach with Canary Coaching, says that “one of the main reasons that people don’t achieve their goals is that they set unreasonable  and vague targets which don’t fit in with the rest of their lives – somewhere down the line, usually around February, they realise that they haven’t left room for anything else, and then the pressure builds and they quit”.

Sarah’s NLP based advice for sticking with your New Year goals:

Firstly – make sure your resolution is an achievable goal, rather than a pie in the sky dream – this quick tool (PECSAW) will help – work out answers for the following sections:


Positive. Talk in terms of what you do want rather than what you want to give up. I want to play the guitar, I want to be a size 10, I want to be a non-smoker, I want to speak Italian


Evidence. What will be evidence that you’ve achieved the goal – what will you see and hear? ‘I’ll see my family singing along with me, ‘I’ll hear people say ‘you look well!’. List as many as you can.


Context. Frame the context in which you want to have these things – ‘I want to play the guitar in the evenings with my family’, ‘I want to be a size 10 in July and for the rest of the year after that’.


Self Achievable. This is probably the most important. If you’re relying on the behaviour of someone else, then you don’t have control over whether you do it. So rather than ‘I want to have a published novel’, how about ‘I want to have finished writing my novel’.


Advantages and Disadvantages. Consider these carefully. What will be the benefits of being able to speak another language? What will be the drawbacks of training for the marathon – especially in the winter months? Considering these and acknowledging them means you’re much more likely to achieve as you’re going into the goal knowing about the hurdles you may face.


Worthwhile.  A final check. What will achieving this do for you? What are the benefits? What will it help you to avoid?


Using this tool makes ‘dream’ seem real and turns it into ‘well-formed outcome’. You might want to go on from this into making a more solid timetable or timeline and get buy in and support from members of your family and friends.


So there you go – don’t be another statistic – create a well formed goal and get on with it!



On the week of the Annual Victoria’s Secret showcase, Miranda Kerr shares the insider knowledge on her catwalk body




With the annual Victoria’s Secret fashion show commencing last night, all eyes were on their golden girl, Miranda Kerr. But as she stripped down to show off the latest lines, how did Miranda prepare her figure for the catwalk showcase?


We’ve rounded up Miranda’s most sought after beauty secrets, and given you the go-to guide to the catwalk body everyone’s lusting after this season.



“To keep my skin in check I always eat lots of greens and take Chlorella supplements and drink lots of water”



The powerful combination of key nutrients in chlorella help to detox and cleanse the skin and body, and also improve energy, sleep, hair and prevent nail ridges and splitting. Sun Chlorella ‘A’ is comprised of a whopping 60% pure plant protein, containing a unique component called Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), which encourages growth and repair of cells and tissues in our bodies, working alongside antioxidant Vitamin A to bring anti-ageing benefits to your complexion.

Sun Chlorella is priced £21.95 for 300 tablets (a 20-30 day supply) and in NEW Sun Chlorella ‘A’ Granules, perfect for beauty boosting smoothies, priced at £21.95 for a 20 x 3g sachets box (one month’s supply)  available from and



“I will not go a day without coconut oil”



Holland & Barrett’s Nutritionist Kate Butler said one of the reasons coconut oil is so popular was its multi-functional benefits when used on the skin, hair or eaten.  “The small molecular structure of coconut oil allows for easy absorption through the skin, giving it a soft, smooth texture” said Kate. “This makes it an ideal ointment for the relief of dry, rough skin, and an effective after-sun lotion because it literally melts into your skin.  Coconut oil works wonderfully as a hair conditioner too as Miranda Kerr’s diet shows can be eaten on salads or used as a cooking oil” Holland & Barrett – Pure Coconut Oil is priced at £12.59 for 453g.



‘Now being a mother I don’t have as much time to spend on my skin. I like to wear rosehip oil at night. It’s full of that many antioxidants and it really works on a cellular level too to rejuvenate the skin. I put that on at night and I wake up glowing.’



Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil is a powerful 100% natural skincare product that helps improve the appearance of wrinkles, scars, stretch marks. Its potent active ingredients make it highly effective for other skin concerns includingdry and dehydrated skin, ageing skin and uneven skin tone. All skin types will benefit from using this lightweight oil which absorbs easily just like a serum.

£16.50 for 20ml and £28.50 for 45ml available from John Lewis and



“I have been working out quite a bit doing Pilates and yoga and strength training with weights and resistant bands and I eat super healthy.


Justin Way, Fitness Expert and Personal Trainer at Pure Gym ( says “Pilates can improve strength, flexibility and overall mobility, and develops the mind as well as the body.

It’s a totally safe and effective exercise method which will improve posture and over time help you achieve strong core strength, develop lean muscle tissue and improve wellbeing.

Pure Gym’s 24-hour, no contract membership starts from £17.99 a month. For more information, visit



 “I drink warm water and lemon every morning and I also drink lots of good quality purified and preferably alkaline water throughout the day.”



Water is essential for life. It accounts for about 60% of our body weight and  performs crucial roles such as carrying nutrients and waste products between our major organs, helping regulate body temperature, lubricating our moving parts, and acting as a shock absorber. Independent consultant to the Natural Hydration Council – Dr Emma Derbyshire PhD, RNutr. Nutrition Consultant explains “Quench your thirst with water first before going on to enjoy other beverages such as tea, coffee, squash and fruit juices. If in doubt, the Food Standards Agency provides a useful guide of 6 to 8 glasses of water a day for the average person.”




An all-new, super-charged series of four fun dance workouts featuring moves from the hit film, Step Up Miami Heat. Learn the energising moves, step by step, before putting the entire routine together for an all-out performance to the actual songs from the movie. Once you’ve got it, turn up the volume and shake your hips to Latin Groove and Latin Hip-Hop Fusion, and get funky as you work it out to Hip-Hop and Hip-Hop Jam. From the living room to the dance floor, these are moves that you can do anywhere – and no partner required!

Sweat it out to a fusion of various dance styles from the movie for a heart-pumping cardio hip-hop workout

Featuring an energising mix of Hip-Hop, Afro-Cuban and Samba, you’ll work your entire body with arm and body combos and core-firming moves

Spice up the dance floor with Salsa and Mambo-inspired moves that work your core, hips and thighs

Get your heart pumping with this fun fusion of Hip-Hop and street dance that sculpts your core, arms, legs and booty

·         Released: 26th December 2012
·         RRP: £15.99
·         Run Time: 87 Minutes Approx.

Get Front Row Ready with Dr. Dukan’s ‘Fashion Week Bento Box’ Recipes.


Get Front Row Ready with Dr. Dukan’s ‘Fashion Week Bento Box’ Recipe Collection

As models and journalists from across the globe get ready to hotfoot it from show to show and grab a quick lunch on the go at London Fashion Week, Dr. Dukan helps you stay in shape with a runway-ready Bento Box selection – bang on trend, delicious and diet-friendly!

So if you’re looking to achieve a slimmer silhouette and confidently channel next season’s styles, make sure you get the look you desire with these Asian inspired recipe ideas: Salmon Temaki, Sweet and Sour Rolls, Thai Style Noodle Salad and Little Chocolate and Matcha Cream Cakes. It’s fashion-forward food for fashion-ready bodies!

Thanks to Dr. Dukan – the man behind the plan – we can enjoy healthy food packed with goodness and flavour as well as designer looks and still lose those extra inches in fashionably fast time. Hailing an “eat as much as you want” policy with an extensive list of over 100 approved foods to choose from, the Dukan Diet can help you successfully shift those unwanted pounds without going hungry or missing out.

Please see Dr. Dukan’s “Fashion Week Bento Box” recipes below, which are ideal for the Cruise phase and for the PV days (protein and vegetable).

Salmon Temaki
1 serving
Preparation time: 5 min

1 fresh salmon fillet or 1 slice of smoked salmon
1 nori (seaweed) sheets, cut in half
1 tsp of Dijon mustard
1 tsp of low fat fromage frais

·     Cut the salmon in squares.
·     Mix the mustard with fromage frais (add more according to taste).
·     Mix the salmon with sauce and spread on 1 nori sheet, then roll it.

* Tip: you can add some cucumber sticks or other greens in each Temaki.

* Health Benefits: Salmon is full of Omega 3, and the seaweed is full of nutritional vitamins.

Sweet and Sour Rolls with Goji Berry Jam

1 serving
Preparation time: 5 min
Cooking time: 10 min

For the jam:
Can be refrigerated for up to 4 days

5 tbsp of Goji berries • water (enough to cover the berries)
1 tbsp liquid sweetener (or more to taste)
1 tsp of agar-agar powder
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp strawberry flavouring

·     Pour Goji berries into a small nonstick saucepan and cover them with water.
·     Add the liquid sweetener and lemon juice then bring to the boil.
·     Finally, add the agar-agar, mix thoroughly then leave to simmer for 7 minutes, constantly stirring the                            mixture as to prevent it from burning and sticking to the pan (add a little water if necessary).
·     When cooked, the berries must be inflated and caramelised
·     Place jam in a glass jar (it will keep for several days in the fridge).

For the paste:
30 g corn flour
1 tbsp skimmed milk powder
100 g low fat fromage frais or Quark
1 egg
30 g of baking powder or dried yeast

·      Mix all the ingredients together
·      Spread on to on a non-stick foil and bake it until brown at 180° C.
·      When cold, spread some Goji berry jam on it, add some turkey slices and a few salad leaves. Roll it and                      then cut into small pieces.

* Health Benefits: Goji Berries are a great source of antioxidants

Thai Style Noodle Salad

1 serving
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes

½ pack of shirataki noodles
Chopped fresh coriander
1 chicken breast
1 tbsp of low fat cream
1 drop of coconut flavouring (optional)
2 pinches of curry powder
1 tsp of sesame seeds
1 tbsp of soya sauce
1 tsp of rice vinegar (mirin)
1 or 2 pieces of steamed broccoli, chopped

·     Cook the shirataki noodles in boiling water for five minutes and then rinse them with cold water.  Leave              aside for later.
·     Cut the chicken breast in small pieces and cook it with low fat cream, curry powder and coconut
flavouring.  Let it cool.
·     Prepare the sauce by mixing soya sauce, rice vinegar, coriander and sesame seeds.
·     Add the chicken pieces to the shirataki noodles, add the steamed broccoli and pour the sauce over.

* Shirataki Noodles are calorie free and low in carbohydrates!

Little Chocolate and Matcha Cream Cakes

6 serving (two little pieces of cake for your dessert)
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes

For the biscuit:

4 eggs
2 tsp of corn flour
2 tsp of baking powder
2 tbsp of sweetener
1tbsp of low fat sugar free cocoa powder

For the Matcha cream:

200ml of skimmed milk
1 tsp of corn flour
1 tsp of Matcha powder
1 egg
3 sheets of gelatine
2 tbsp of sweetener

·      Separate the egg yolks from the whites, and put the egg whites in a large mixing bowl. Beat them at              high speed until stiff peaks form. In another bowl, mix the egg yolks with the sweetener, corn flour                baking powder and cocoa powder. Gently whisk in the egg whites. Mix everything well using a metal               whisk. Pour the mixture into a medium-sized square cake baking tin and bake for 10 mins, at 180° C in a                 pre-heated oven.

·      When the biscuit is done, put it in the fridge to cool.
·      Place the gelatine sheets into a mixing bowl with cold water and leave for 5 mins.
·      In another mixing bowl, combine the egg, corn flour and sweetener.
·      In a small saucepan, warm up the milk and add the Matcha powder.
·      Next, take the gelatin leaves, squeeze out the excess water and add them to the warm milk. Mix well to               make sure the gelatine is dissolved completely.
·      Slowly pour the warm milk over your egg mixture, mixing constantly. Pour the mixture back into the       saucepan and let it cook on a medium heat. You must continue to mix the cream and make sure it cooks        on a medium temperature.
·      After 5-6 mins the cream should start to thicken. Pour it into a mixing bowl and leave it in the fridge to               cool. In 1-2 hours, when the cream has cooled, you can start assembling the cake.
·      Cut the biscuit lengthwise in the middle and spread out the cream in the middle. Leave the cake in the               fridge over night.
·     Cut some little squares of this cake for your fashion week bento box!

* Top tip: Handbag staples for those on the go, during London Fashion Week, are Goji berries, Dukan Diet Oat Bran Bars, bottled water and Dukan Diet Oat Bran Biscuits!

Free Zumba Video | Health

The Zumba craze hit in a big way, but if you are still unsure whether it is for you then Frost Magazine sourced a free video. It is slightly advanced, but I had only done Zumba once and have managed to pick it up. It is a good, fun workout. Enjoy!