It Takes Two… to Make a Baby. All You Need to Know About Men’s Fertility

fertility, men, maleAlthough a woman is the one, who will carry and deliver the baby, a man has a crucial role in pregnancy. In fact, almost 40 % of problems with fertility are caused by men’s conditions. *

We have put together some useful tips and fact from our experts for making healthy sperm and giving you the best chance of becoming a dad.

Don’t cook your balls

Heat is among the top causes of reduced fertility in men. ‘Everyone thinks of not having hot baths or wearing tight underpants for men as it may affect sperm health. It’s production takes place at 32°C, which is lower than the body temperature at 37°C.  The testes are on the outside of a man’s body to keep them cooler. As they get closer to the body (e.g. by sitting for long periods when driving or cycling) the sperm heats up which may reduce the count.

However, a more surprising piece of research found that men using laptops on their laps was causing a problem with sperm health. In order to balance the laptop, men will often close their legs. This on its own (even without the laptop) raises the temperature of their genitals by up 2.1°C.  In conjunction with heat generated by laptop itself it causes a rise in temperature of up to 2.8°C. It might seem like not a lot, but a rise of just 1°C can decrease fertility by 40%!’ explains Dr Marilyn Glenville, the UK’s leading nutritionist and author of Getting Pregnant Faster.

Oysters for dinner

‘Stress, pollution, smoking and alcohol – unfortunately, our modern lifestyles tend to decrease our zinc levels. In addition, heating and cooking can also reduce the zinc in foods by 50%. However, this is a mineral not to be forgotten. It not only boosts sperm levels but it also improves it quality (it creates the outer membrane and tail of a sperm.) A low level of Zinc can even lead to impaired fertility.’ explains Shona Wilkinson, Head Nutritionist at

‘Make sure you include in your diet zinc-rich ingredients such as seafood, lamb, spinach, nuts, beans and mushrooms. Studies conducted by experts from, also show that ‘eating a rainbow’ of fruit and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants will not only fuel your grey matter and muscles but can also boost your fertility. Antioxidants cause surges in testosterone, improve sperm quality and increases sex drive.

You can also try AgeLoss Men’s Multi by Nature’s Plus (, £47.00) which is not only high in Zinc but also in libido-optimizing herbal staples rhodiola rosea and ginseng.’ adds Michela Vagnini, Nutritionist at

There is one, very important amino acid…

L-Arginine is an amino acid, which is crucial for most of metabolic processes. It contributes to the health of vascular system by boosting blood circulation and regulating the relaxation of blood vessels. ‘As it supports blood flow, it is a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction, a common problem associated with infertility. Stress, fatigue and lack of stamina can make men weak and not able to complete the sexual act. In addition, L-Arginine is essential for sperm production (it can be found in large amounts in the head of the sperm). You can find it seafood, eggs, lentils, chocolate and whole wheat grains. You can also go for NHP’s Men’s Fertility Support (, £32.77), which includes 1000mg of L-Arginine.’ says Dr Glenville.

If you are worried about your stamina, you can also try organic medicinal mushroom supplement by Hifas da Terra, Mico-Cord (Harrods, £55), which enhances cardiovascular circulation and strengthen the body.

Lose extra pounds

We all know that being overweight has a huge impact on our health. Unfortunately, it is also an excellent contraceptive. ‘Extra pounds affect sperm quality, decrease their ability to swim, reduce sperm count and increase damage to DNA. Men, who are overweight, suffer from hormonal imbalance, which causes lower sex drive. So losing those extra pounds should be the first thing on your list!’ says Wilkinson.

No smoking area

Apart from being dangerous for your overall health, smoking can affect men’s fertility on many levels. ‘Toxins found in cigarettes take their tool on not only our lungs but they can also increase the risk of DNA damage in sperm cell. Smoking can also contribute towards erectile dysfunction as it damages the blood vessels. And finally, this awful habit depletes Vitamin C from your body, which contributes to sperm ‘clumping’ together. This can affect its mobility, as sperm are not supposed to stick together – they cannot swim that way.’ says Glenville.

Make those boys swim faster
Have you heard of CoQ10? Apart from being a powerful antioxidant, which helps to protect cells from free radical damage it is also necessary for energy production. ‘Studies have shown that it can not only increase sperm health but also its motility in semen, making your little swimmers more energetic. Unfortunately, CoQ10 decline with age and is extremely difficult to obtain through the diet. Go for Ubiquinol Qu10 by Quest Vitamins (, £23.15).’ advises Sharon Morey, Nutritionist at Quest Vitamins.



How To Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

baby, fertility, getting pregnant, Some woman get pregnant easily but for others it can be a long and difficult journey. Now I want to start this article off with pointing out that I am not a doctor, but I have researched the subject and I got pregnant as soon as my husband and I started trying. I have combined what I learned with some tips from friends, some of whom did not get pregnant for a while but persevered.

Have Regular Sex.

Sperm can live inside you for seven days. The sperm travels up the fallopian tubes to “wait” for the egg to be released. If you ovulate during this time you can get pregnant at any point during those seven days. The NHS recommend having sex every few days during ovulation.

Find Out When You Are Ovulating.

There is an abundance of calendars and apps to help you figure out when you are ovulating. Having sex when you are not ovulating may be fun but it won’t get you pregnant. The NHS website can help you figure out when you are ovulating.

Take Your Vitamins.

Make sure you are taking folic acid. It is best to take this for three months before you plan to conceive and make sure you take it throughout the pregnancy too.

Stop Smoking.

This is obvious. It has been proven in medical studies that smoking brings on the menopause by at least four years. It is also very bad for your baby. You should not smoke when trying for a baby and certainly not when you are pregnant.


I exercised for an hour five days a week and lost two stone before getting pregnant. It helped that I was also working out for my impending wedding. I went from a size 12 to a size eight. Exercise helped but the other thing is…


I ate as healthy as possible. I did not eat a lot of meat and if I did it was organic. I eat a lot of vegetables and drank a lot of water. I cut down on alcohol, only having a glass if at a restaurant or at a special occasion. Read this article for more diet advice. More importantly I…

Quit Sugar

This was hard but I stopped having sugar in my tea. No chocolate, no added sugar, no fizzy drinks. I am almost positive that this was one of the main things that made a difference. Sugar affects your insulin levels and your insulin levels affect your health.

Lie flat for 15 minutes.

Lie flat for 15 minutes after sex to give the sperm a helping hand. I know many people who swear by this.


Have IVF. Consider IVF if you are over 35 and have been trying for a baby for six months or if you are under 35 and have been trying for over a year. IVF is a wonderful invention, giving many couples the chance at parenthood who otherwise would never have had children. Go to a clinic with a high success rate like