Struggling To Get Pregnant? Losing Weight Will Help

Dr Sally Norton – UK leading NHS weight loss surgeon & consultantOne of the many reasons that women, and occasionally men, come to see me for weight loss advice is because they want to start a family, but are struggling. Did you know that obesity is a major cause of difficulty getting pregnant – and can increase the risk of miscarriage or problems during pregnancy and childbirth? In fact, there is a significantly greater risk of diabetes during pregnancy if you are overweight – and this can affect the future health of your child as well as you.

Research evidence shows that being overweight can contribute to period problems, hormonal imbalances, lack of ovulation, resistance to fertility treatment and therefore fertility problems particularly in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

There is a higher risk of miscarriage, higher risk of abnormalities of the baby as well as still birth in women who are overweight. The pregnant overweight mother is also at higher risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and difficult or complicated delivery of the baby by Caesarean or forceps.

Some women end up seeking help with IVF (in-vitro fertilization) or other forms of fertility treatment, but this isn’t usually funded unless women are below a BMI of 30 or under the age of 40 – which is why I get women coming to me for weight-loss surgery. They are desperate, the clock is ticking, and they can’t seem to lose weight on their own. It’s sad to see, and the stress of it all doesn’t help fertility in the slightest!

Interestingly it’s not all about the woman’s weight. In men, being obese can cause the following problems: reduced semen volume, a reduced sperm count and increased sperm DNA damage. Losing weight will improve these parameters.

So, if you are thinking of starting a family, it is a great incentive for both you and your partner to lose weight. But you have to make sure you do it in a way that is good for you. Fad dieting which will starve your body of essential nutrients which, for women, is just at the time when you and your unborn child need them most. In fact, some studies suggest that a mother’s diet, even BEFORE she actually gets pregnant, can affect the health of her child. So instead of crash dieting, treat your body with the care and respect it deserves – after all, you’ll be relying on your body to create a healthy new life within it. Fill it with the most nutritious food you can find, keep active to ensure you are as fit as you can be – and not only will you be rewarded with a slimmer healthier body but you will find it easier to get pregnant too.

By Dr Sally Norton – UK leading NHS weight loss surgeon & consultant



How To Find The Right Egg Donor

babyChoosing to build a family using egg donation requires careful consideration.

Egg donation can be a wonderful option, but you will need to take the time to explore the many complex issues and feelings involved in selecting a donor. The characteristics you desire in a donor will be unique to you and based on your personal preferences, and while there is no right or wrong way to go about the selection process, you may wish to keep the following factors in mind.

Anonymous Vs Known donors

The first decision you will need to consider is whether you want your egg to come from an anonymous or known donor.

An anonymous egg donor is a donor found through an egg donor database. Such a donor will have chosen not to reveal their identity to you. Using an anonymous donor will enable you to clearly define your relationship with the donor and will grant you the chance to source a donated egg in confidence.

However, if you choose to tell your child that they were the product of an egg donation, they will be able to use the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) register to find out identifying information such as the donor’s name, address and date of birth once they turn 16.

A known egg donor, on the other hand, is a donor who has chosen to reveal their identity to you. For example, she may be a friend or relative, or someone you have found through an online connection service. You may prefer to use a known donor because you will provide your child with the opportunity to form a relationship your egg donor. However, you may find it difficult to define the donor’s role in your child’s life.

Physical Characteristics

One of the most important considerations to make when choosing a donor is whether your chosen donor’s physical appearance is similar to your own. If you and your partner have brown eyes and dark hair, then finding those qualities in an egg donor may be of the utmost importance to you. This is why in many cases couple’s will contact a family member so that the child will have genetic qualities of the woman.

Medical History

When reviewing your shortlisted egg donor profiles, it is essential to evaluate their past and present history of physical and mental illnesses.

You will also need to consider whether you wish to match the blood type of your donor with your own. If you chose a donor with the same blood type, you will be able to donate blood to your child should the need ever arise.


In addition to providing you with information on donors’ physical traits and medical histories, fertility clinics can also help you to gain an insight into donors’ personalities and backgrounds.

Whilst you should read this information with care and choose a donor based on the traits and characteristics that are important to you, it is essential to remember that the way in which you bring up your child may have a greater influence on their personality than the genes they have inherited from your chosen donor.

Of course, if you use a known donor you have a chance to meet them personally and get a feel for their characteristics up close.


Once you have narrowed down your search for a donor, location may become an important consideration. If you intend to involve the donor in your child’s life, you may wish to choose a donor from your locality for ease of travelling to meet with the donor. This will also help throughout the process of trying to get pregnant if your donor is nearby.

Where To Look For The Right Donor

Egg donations are available on the NHS and through private clinics. The Human Fertilisation Embryology Authority (HFEA), which licenses clinics, recommends that you take into account location and success rates when choosing a suitable clinic.

It is important to realise, however, that the waiting lists for egg donation vary widely, and many opt to use online connection services to meet and get to know an egg donor before beginning the IVF process.

Choosing the right donor is a big decision that requires careful thought and consideration. Whilst it is perfectly acceptable to prioritise the characteristics that are important to you, it is important to trust your intuition, too. Your maternal instincts should play a key role in the process and they will help you to find a donor who will provide you with the child you have always wanted.

Author bio:

This post was written by Franz SOF, Founder at – a service which aims to connect men, women and couples who are looking to have a child through co-parenting, sperm donation and surrogacy.



Young People Using Fertility MOTs

Erica and Kenny An increasing number of young people are discovering the benefit of ‘fertility MOTs’, consultants have said, even if they have no immediate plans to start a family.

Patients can come in for fertility advice even if they aren’t yet trying for children, and have a full range of tests so they can decide when they should start thinking about a family.

Mrs Yasmin Sajjad, fertility consultant at Spire Liverpool Hospital said: “The growing popularity of our fertility MOTs reflects a rising trend of young couples and singles seeking peace of mind on their fertility status.”

As people get older some may find it increasingly difficult to conceive and fertility consultancy is valuable in providing early advice as to how long it is practical to wait.

Yasmin said: “At 25 – 27 years old a woman’s fertility is already starting to decline, and upon reaching 35, chances of conception have often halved. Women who take an early assessment of their fertility can make informed decisions about their options later down the line, including the possibility of having eggs frozen for a later date.”

Erica Wilson used the fertility MOT to help make an informed decision on when she and her husband should start trying for children, she said: “I came to Spire a few years ago for a fertility MOT at the age of 31.  I was keen to see if there were any issues, and help become better informed so myself and my husband Ken could find out when we should start trying for children.  It ended up being a very good decision because we found out early on that there were problems and it has given us time to address this.”

Erica is now going through a treatment called ICSI, Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection.  This involves injecting a single sperm into an egg in order to fertilise it, it’s then transferred back to the woman’s womb as an embryo.

Erica said: “So far we have undergone a few treatments of ICSI through the NHS.  The treatment went smoothly but unfortunately it hasn’t worked.  It’s now been diagnosed by Mrs Sajjad that I have certain cells, which identify the embryo being put back in my womb as a foreign body and I am now on a course of steroid treatment which should prevent this.  Ken and I are now really hopeful that we can start a family and having a fertility MOT has given us the time to solve the issues, and have a good chance at trying for a family before time and the odds are against us.”

Yasmin also said that they have seen an increase in the use of the clinic by couples in the middle of trying for a family. “Many couples are leaving it later to try for children, which simply put means they can’t afford to wait around.  If they have been trying for a year with no success then they should visit a GP, but often taking this route can mean they end up on waiting lists for tests and to see a fertility expert.  This wait can mean the difference between having a child and not, as some couples have left it too close in terms of their fertility or accessing IVF on the NHS, where the cut off for funding is often around the age of 40.  This means that the women should be referred for assisted conception treatment at least six months before their 40th birthday.

“Many older couples are now choosing to pay privately to find out if there is an issue straight away, then they can decide what action to take.”

The Fertility MOT includes a range of packages, all of which require only two visits to the hospital within the space of a week. The comprehensive process will provide a full assessment of a patient’s ability to conceive and identify any underlying factors that may prevent natural conception down the line.

Packages are available for men, women, and couples. Men receive an expert semen analysis, while women will be given a pelvic ultrasound scan, urine test and tubal patency test. Both will also have a full blood test to check hormone status.

Upon the second visit the results are discussed and potential options will be laid out.  From there consultants can give expert advice on future options, and advise any appropriate treatments.

Yasmin added: “Modern hectic lifestyles mean that more couples are choosing to postpone a family until later in life, so a fertility MOT can be invaluable in checking one’s options before it’s too late.”

Spire Liverpool Hospital is holding an information event for couples planning a family on Thursday 24 October, from 6.30 – 9pm.


Government Urges GPs To Cut Pain Relief For Women Giving Birth

A lot of things make being a woman seem unfair. Periods, unequal pay, the biological clock, having your breasts stared at. But life is unfair and you just get on with your life. I mean, there is only a certain amount of time a person can stress over things, but yesterday I read something that I think is worth stressing over. Whilst reading the March 2013 edition of Easy Living magazine, in an article entitled, ‘How Can That Fit Through There?’, I read the following:

“In August 2012, new guidelines were drawn up for GPs, urging them to encourage mothers-to-be to have a natural labour with as little pain relief as possible in a bid to save the NHS money – given that an epidural costs £200.

Frankly, if the NHS needs to cut things then a women in the worst pain imaginable trying to push a baby through a 10cm hole is not the most humane choice. If men gave birth, would these ‘guidelines’ have been put through? I don’t have children, but I have been in a relationship for three years and it is on my mind whether or not to have them. This piece of information is not encouraging. I doubt any of the taxpayers money was considered when it came to Kate Middleton and her morning sickness (and neither should it).

If women stopped having children the world would stop. We need to be given more respect for the ordeal of being pregnant for nine months and then giving birth. Childcare is also expensive. Maybe this is the governments answer to the population crisis? Anyway, it feels like an attack on women and completely inhumane. If someone gets drunk and falls over do they get pain relief? Yes, and they should. I don’t want to live in a country where a doctor will see someone in pain and not give them pain relief. If the government really wants to save money why don’t they cut the £400 per month food allowance MPs get while families rely on food banks to feed themselves. Or the money to pay their rent and mortgage. Most of the population does not get paid expenses on these things.

We are not ‘all in this together’, some of us have a great deal more pain to bear.

And They’re Off! The Olympics 2012 Starts

Starting from today, London is the most exciting place in the world. The Olympics has started and Oscar-winning director Danny Boyle’s opening ceremony is underway.

Evoking Britain’s green and pleasant land, choirs sang the national anthems of each country in the United Kingdom with their respective flowers which were: Danny Boy, Flower of Scotland, Bread of Heaven and England’s rose, Scotland’s thistle, Wales’ daffodil and Northern Ireland’s flax. There was even 70 sheep, 12 horses, 10 chickens and nine geese.

Then the set was stage as a volunteer cast of two and a half thousand people acted out the Industrial revolution. The cast are dressed like peasants and rich men from another era gave the audience a history lesson to the rousing beat of the drums. The theme of the opening ceremony is the Isles of Wonder, inspired by William Shakespeare’s play The Tempest. Mark Rylance had to drop out of the main part performing a monologue from The Tempest as his step-daughter died. Our heart goes out to him.

Direct descendants from the suffragette movement also took to the stage. Then there was a moment of silence for all of those who have sacrificed their life for their country. The epic opening ceremony cost £27 million

Then there was a splash of colour for the 60’s. 60,000 people inside the stadium watched the spectacle and another 4 billion watched on TV.

Molten Olympic rings were forged by craftsmen and then rose from the ground, creating an amazing spectacle. An emotional moment. The Olympic rings represent the five continents.

Then Daniel Craig as James Bond went to Buckingham Palace to get the Queen (yes, that one) with the corgis snapping at his heels. A helicopter ride later across London’s landmarks lead to The Queen and James Bond parachuting from a helicopter.

The Union Jack was then carried in by servicemen from the RAF, Army and the Navy.

Then the NHS and achievements of children’s books were represented while Mike Oldfields played ‘Tubular Bells’. This included Peter Pan and JK Rowling was there. NHS was then displayed in lights. Kids jumped on beds while nurses danced. Then children’s nightmares were represented by Lord Voldemort, Cruella De Vil and child snatcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Then a few Mary Poppins were dancing on stage and the nightmares were chased away. 10,000 people have taken part in the Opening Ceremony in total. The audience roared as the homage to the NHS ended. All of the nurses and doctors were real NHS workers! They all rehearsed for 350 hours.

Then Rowan Atkinson (as Mr Bean) played along while the National Symphony Orchestra during Chariots of Fire. Then scene from the film were played with Mr Bean cut into them. Very funny.

Then a typical British household was represented along with British TV shows and music from the past. Gregory’s Girl, Charlie Chaplin, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, The Who and David Bowie were all represented. Every audience member was taken through their childhood.

The Sex Pistols, texting, Soul II Soul and The Eurythmics played as the dancers rocked out and an actor and actress texted each other and then kissed. Famous kisses were then played in the background. Including that of Kate Middleton and Prince William. The journey of music and dance was told from the 60’s to the present day. Danny Boyle even got Trainspotting, the film that made him famous, in.

Then East London’s Dizze Rascal took to the stage. Dizzie was a good choice and then Amy Winehouse played. A homage to the singer who died last year.

The inventor of the internet Sir Tim Berners-Lee appeared and was paid homage to as everyone cheered. David Beckham, East London boy, brought the torch to the Olympic Stadium.

There was a minute silence for those who have passed away and then Emile Sande then sang Abide By Me. The dancers were amazing and there were some brilliant Tai Chi moves.

Then the athletes arrived. The athletes from each country arrived at the stadium carrying their flag as their country was called out.

The opening ceremony was full of British in-jokes and fantastic performances. Frost Magazine are proud to be British and will constantly be blogging about the Olympics. Let us know your opinions and thoughts.

SEVEN-year-old boy wins £10,000 for charity in rap competition

SEVEN-year-old boy wins £10,000 for charity in FiNDAPROPERTY.COM rap competition

Celebrities, including Russell Brand and Mick Jagger, tweet support for winning rap

Kent-based children’s hospice chYps has received a £10,000 donation thanks to the rapping efforts of a seven-year-old boy who lost his younger brother to a rare form of cancer.

A total of 67 contestants battled it out in the Rap For A Cause competition in which Dartford-based Charlie Saunders and his father Tony Saunders – rapping as “Charlie Chyps and Divvy Dad” – won the contest with more than 6,870 public votes.

The competition, run by property website, was held in conjunction with a recent advertising campaign in which a number of characters rapped about their property needs.

The contest was closely fought, with the winner receiving only 1472 more votes than Leeds-based 11-year-old Dylan Broadbent – rapping as “Dylz” – who was representing The Christie Charity which funds projects that fall outside the scope of the NHS.

“Dylz” received huge online support, including over 5401 ‘likes’ on Facebook and, in the closing stages of the competition, a tweet of support from Johnny Marr, former guitarist of The Smiths and the comedian John Bishop. Charlie had some celebrity support of his own, with encouraging tweets from Russell Brand, Mick Jagger and Nadia Sawalha.

Charlie entered the competition to raise funds and awareness for chYps, the Kent-based children’s hospice that looked after his younger brother Oscar during his battle with Ewing’s Sarcoma. By providing homecare, chYps supported the Saunders and allowed them to spend us much time as possible away from hospitals while Oscar was gravely ill. The £10,000 prize is being donated to support chYps’ respite service.

Tracie Dempster – Head of Care, chYps, said: “Winning this £10,000 is absolutely amazing and will support the chYps service in so many ways. Much of our service is funded through charitable donations and core services that each family needs, such as specialist nurses that deliver cancer support and chemotherapy rely heavily on monies from the public.

“This £10,000 will help fund our chYps respite service, which is offered to all families. Just imagine what a difference a trip to the seaside could have on a child at the end of their life with competent staff to look after the child for the whole day. We are so thrilled to have won the money and are so grateful to Tony and Charlie for winning it for us in memory of Oscar.”

Tony Saunders said: “Losing Oscar was an incredibly traumatic experience, but without chYps it would have been a hell of a lot more traumatic.

“I kept saying to Charlie, if we get to number one we’re really lucky, but at least we’re doing it for the right reasons.

“If it wasn’t for chyps and the fact they provided treatment at home, we would have been at the hospital non-stop for 18 months. But instead I was still able to run my business and pay the mortgage, Charlie was still able to have a life and go to school.”

The competition was organised by property website, following their national TV advertising campaign featuring a rapping granny, young father, and father to be, who all rap at speed about their changing property needs. The contest ran for three-and-a-half months and contestants were encouraged to upload their own rap version of the advert. Visitors to the site were then able to vote for their favourite.

To see “Charlie Chyps and Divvy Dad” perform their winning rap, please visit

Britons are prouder of their history, NHS and army than of the Royals.

While 2012 celebrates the Diamond Jubilee and London hosting the Olympics, it is history that makes people most proud to be British.

A survey commissioned by Channel 4 from Ipsos MORI found that more people (45%) are proud to be British due to the country’s history than they are because of the Royal Family (28%). And more people cite the NHS (37%) and the armed forces (36%) as a source of pride than they do the Royals. British sports teams come in at a lowly 10%. Bringing up the bottom of the table is British business, with only 4%.

Overall, which two or three of the following, would you say makes you most proud to be British?

1. Our history (45%)

2. The NHS (37%)

3. British Army / armed forces (36%)

4. The Royal Family (28%)

5. Our culture and arts (24%)

6. Our system of democracy (22%)

7. Having a free press / media (15%)

8. British sports teams (10%)

9. Our position in the world (5%)

10. British business (4%)

Timed to coincide with, Make Bradford British, a documentary series exploring what it means to be British, the survey also found that a ‘good sense of humour’ (45%) topped the poll when people were asked what are the best characteristics of British people, followed by friendly (34%) and tolerant to all sections of society (30%).

But while being funny may be the best British characteristic, of those surveyed, half (50%) said the worst was drinking too much. Ignorance of other cultures (33%) and complaining too much (23%) were also cited. And a fifth of respondents thought the worst characteristic was being lazy (20%).

Tea topped the poll not only as people’s favourite drink (38%) but also what they thought was the country’s national drink (65%) proving that we are a nation of tea lovers.

While fish and chips is seen as the national dish by four in ten Britons (41%) just one in ten (9%) say it is their favourite food. Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding tops the poll as the nation’s favourite dish (33%).

And while 15% enjoy a curry as their meal of choice, only 8% think it’s the national dish.

Make Bradford British continues on Thursday 8 March at 9pm on Channel 4

Who To Notify When You Move House

Moving house is stressful at the best of times, so here is Frost’s guide to who to notify when you move.

Friends and Family.

TV Licence.
Your TV licence only covers you at your current address and won’t move with you automatically. Update it at or by post.

Driving Licence.
Update it online at Your Vehicle Registration documents will have to be returned to the DVLA. They will then send you a new one with your updated details.

Council Tax.
Tell your local council when you move out, and when you move into your new home. That way you will be billed correctly.

You can get your mail redirected online at or by going to your local post office. It takes five working days so give the appropriate notice.

Doctor and Dentist
Search for practices near you new home by going to and entering your post code. You will have to register with the new practice

Financial Service Provider.
Building societies.
Store Card companies.
Insurance companies.
Savings and investments.
Pension company.
Credit card company.

Do this as soon as possible. You don’t want your financial details going to strangers.

Magazine and other subscriptions.
Let them know as soon as possible. They usually need a month’s notice.

Utility Provider
Phone (and mobile phone)

Request a final bill before you move and tell them the date. Take a reading from your old home before you leave and at your new one when you move in. Just in case.

Cable/Internet providers.
If you are sticking with your provider let them know your new address straight away to minimise disruptions to your service.

Electoral register
You will need to register to vote in your new area. Go to and print off a form. Fill it in and send it to your local electoral registration office.

Finally, make sure you have signed the contract for your new home before changing things. Just in case things go wrong.